Servicios / Services
24×7 Database Monitoring
Show your status service, any time, everywhere.
This monitoring is automatically achieved through tools installed in the monitored server, implemented with customized alarms and scripts.
Through these mechanisms we can collect statistics, implement corrections and avoid problems before they occur.
Given that not all of the problems can be prevented or arise during regular operations, these same monitoring tools will report an alert as soon as the problem starts, allowing a quick response and a fast restoration of service.
Database Maintenance
Keep your sistems up and running. And healties
So, we focus in preventing and identifying future issues, doing periodic checks and tests, looking in advance next hardware investments or disks needs.
But all can go wrong, so we do corrective maintenance too. Remote database administrators doing the hard work
Database Performance & tuning
Take all of your hardware
Our profesionals can do all steps for fine tune your database system
Clientes / Customers
Expertice is one of the leading IT consulting firms in Argentina, which provides data migration and infrastructure support.
We perform several jobs together and taking advantage of the synergy capacity of both companies.
RiesgoNet es uno de los proveedores líderes de información para el sector de créditos de consumo argentino, con grandes cadenas de tiendas e hipermercados como principales clientes.
Realizamos trabajos de replicación, balanceo de carga, análisis de performance y recomendaciones de mejoras, para que el servicio siga siendo de excelencia y con tiempo de respuesta récord.
Nosotros / About us
Who are InfraCoop?
We are an experienced group of IT Professionals with a vast skills set and an extensive experience, that decided to get together to found Infracoop. We have worked for many different types of companies: National and International, sizes: Small, Mid and Large Corporations, and time zones: India, US, Europe and Latin American.
We are experienced using both Open Source and Commercial Software, always adjusting our tools and processes to the Client needs and requirements.
Our Skills
Infracoop Services rely on the diversity of profiles our professionals have. This variety of background, skills and experiences allow us to build up the best team for each need.
Among our team profiles you can find
System Administrators (for Linux, Unix and Windows Platforms), Database Administrators (Informix, Oracle, MySQL, SQLServer and PostgreSQL) Team Leaders (to provide guidance and leadership of technical team), Project Managers (qualified professionals to ensure projects success) and Infrastructure Managers (for provisioning, monitoring and improvement management).
And listening to market needs, we include now experts in NoSQL (Cassandra, MongoDB)
Monitoreando PostgreSQL remotamente con Newrelic
Hoy vamos a ver cómo monitorear remotamente una instancia de PostgreSQL utilizando Newrelic Esta tarea no lleva mayores inconvenientes si seguimos los pasos descriptos en la pagina… Read more “Monitoreando PostgreSQL remotamente con Newrelic”
Las vistas de Parámetros V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER vs V$PARAMETER
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER es la vista que muestra todos los parámetros relativos a la instancia, al iniciar una sesión de usuario estos parámetros son heredados por la sesión. Cualquier… Read more “Las vistas de Parámetros V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER vs V$PARAMETER”
Api REST para bases de datos
Como vimos aquí y aquí, el tema de brindar una interface REST para acceder nuestra base de datos es una tendencia que está pisando fuerte. Ahora bien,… Read more “Api REST para bases de datos”